Sunday, April 19, 2009

Finished the 'flying arrow socks' - yahoo!  Have worn them twice already and just love them.

I've cast on for the February Lady Sweater for the 2nd time and just finished trying it on - and it fits!!  BIG phew.

Spring is in the air and it feels SO good.  Too bad I left the windows open last night and the heat kicked in and so all that energy, and $$, went right out the window - literally.  *sigh*

 Susan Boyle - LOVE her!!  What a great story.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Ghosts anybody?

I made it back to Mary Maxim to get the yarn required for the Tree of Life afghan only to come back home with all taxes charged and paid for.  What a wasted trip.  I'm actually a little angry at the sales lady.  One, she's not very nice and two, did she lie to me??

On another note, it would appear that our office is haunted.  How cool is that??  I SO believe in this stuff.  Go ahead and stamp 'geek' or 'looser' on my forehead but I don't care, I think the paranormal is the coolest.

A friend at work gave me a book today about ghosts that she got from her neighbour after the lady who also lived their passed away.  This got us talking and 2 people have heard paper being shuffled around like somebody is in the office even though these 2 individuals swear they checked the entire office and nobody was in.  Also, 2 ladies have seen an apparition out of the corner of their eye around our kitchen area and 1 of them got a good view of this apparition one morning when she came in early.  She said the apparition looked like a petite female with blond hair and it moved very quickly.  

What's uber cool about this is that a lady is rumored to have jumped from one of the floors in our building.  Our building is a bit different in that all the offices on the inside of the building are open and face the inside and look down onto the main level.  It's pretty cool actually. Anyway, it turns out that all the offices were open concept and after the suicide all offices had to be closed off with glass.  

I've googled everything I can think of, but can't find anything.  I'm hoping my friend who saw the apparition will talk to Security and find out what actually happened.

Do ghosts knit?  Speaking of knitting...

I joined Sock Wars IV!  I played last year and had fun, in a weird sort of way.  The pattern wasn't all that, but I had SO much fun checking the daily chats and it was a little tense when I got to the end of my second sock and still hadn't received mine.  I 'died' like a day after I finished my targets socks.  It doesn't start until May, but they have given us a sample sock pattern to practice on called 'Flying Arrows'.  I like the results and it's a nice simple pattern to follow, just like me ;)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Lazy Bones

Yahoo!  Finished the Eyelet Shruglet for a 2nd time.  Fingers crossed it fits 'cause I ain't knitting it again.  

Today, being Sunday, is suppose to be a day of rest.  But not so for me.  I inevitably spend Saturday doing next to nothing and feel guilty all day about it (who am I kidding, I knit and feel slightly guilty about the house work thing - but it's taken me years to get to this point) and then clean, cook, laundry on Sunday EVENING. I'm such a goof.

If I start now I can be done in a few hours....thing is, I want to start a new knitting project.   It's called the February Lady Sweater and from what I see on-line, almost every knitter has already had a go at this!  It looks pretty and I have some nice purple yarn for it.  Since spring is finally here, I may make the sleeves a little bit shorter.

On another note, I've been playing with the idea of knitting the Tree of Life afghan as a wedding gift for my cousin and her future husband.  They are planning to get married in a year or so.  I think I can do it, but it looks like such a HUGE project.  I got e-mail from Mary Maxim of a sale on their Starlette yarn and if I purchase it next Saturday in the morning then I won't pay for taxes either. No taxes and yarn on sale - no brainer.  What colour??  I'd hate to get it wrong.  I have one week to think about it and then I'm stuck with it for a YEAR - yikes.


Monday, March 16, 2009

Ban Bad Breath

Bad breath on public transit should be outlawed. I understand that they may not know they have bad breath and I'm sure that sometimes I am one of them, but when I'm sitting (I should be so lucky) and this stream of ickiness hits me second after second after minute after minute - ugh!  I guess it's better then a fart but not by much :(

Anyway, I've started the Eyelet Shruglet and it's going much better this time around what with the corrections and all ;)

Laters!  (who says that??)

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Our other cat, Koko, threw up last night, twice, always twice.  yuck!  So, today I'm a little cranky. Never mind, the sun is out and the temp is suppose to hit the double digits :)  Spring is in the air and I'm lovin' it!

Finished a quick knit up - a cover for my broken day timer.  The idea came from 'Missy's Checkbook Cover' in the 'one-skein WONDERS' book.  I got the book for Christmas and really like it.  The idea is to use up some of my stash, but so far I seem to have purchased new yarn for these projects.  What up with that?  

Next, from the same book, is the 'Eyelet Shruglet'.  I made it already for a friends daughter, but it was too small so ripped it back and will try again with bigger needles.  Hopefully that's all it will take 'cause I don't want to do any math ;)

Wholly crap, was just surfing for a pic of the shrug to link to and I find that there is a correction for this shrug.  Huh.  While I was knitting it the first time i thought something was off, but I'm a pretty new knitter and there's lots I still have to learn so thought it must have been me.  I was a little hesitant to start this project again because it felt a little odd to me, but now not so much. Lesson learned.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Smellin' fine...

I'm a women of the times, I understand this thing called 'marketing', so when I get free samples in the mail with coupons attached to it, I know what's up.  Usually these things just go in the garbage because I'm much too clever to fall for their scheme...until yesterday.  

I won't mention brand names because we will not fall a second time to their trickery, but here's what happened.  My thoughtful husband kept this 'free' sample aside for me thinking I might like to try it.  It was for body wash and skin lotion.  I like smelly things, as long as they smell good, so on the way to the trash I thought one sniff wouldn't hurt.  One sniff turned into a shower and WOW did I smell good!  So, took the stupid coupon and bought the stupid stuff and now I can't stop smelling myself.  Marketers 1, me 0.  *sigh*

Finished the socks (Charade) and love the yarn.  It was nice and sleek on the needles and my dry hands didn't snag nearly as much :)  First time knitting with babmoo (Mary Maxim BAMBOO Soft Stripes), but definitely not the last.

In the pic is Zoe, our Bengal cat.  She sleeps all day and party's all night.  *sigh*  

Excuse me while I go sniff myself some more ;)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Adding a pic??

I'm going to try to post a pic of my sock in progress, but don't hold your breath, I'm not going to...